This Simple Technique Can Increase Your IQ drastically

This Simple Technique Can Increase Your IQ drastically

People with higher IQ are considered smarter than others. Many disciplines require creativity and higher IQ for success. However, your IQ is shaped by many factors, it is not cast in stone. Scientific studies have shown that IQ can be increased. Deliberate and conscious efforts in the right direction can help you improve your IQ.

How to improve your IQ?

Image Streaming

So, how can you increase your IQ? Well, here we look at one of the most powerful and simple ways for you to increase your IQ. Although, high IQ doesnt guarantee success, it definitely increases the probability of success though. Here we are going to discuss a simple technique, by practicing which anyone can increase his or her IQ. This technique is called Image Streaming and it is very easy. 

Research on Image Streaming 

Research on Image Streaming

The technique was developed by Dr. Win Winger who spent his whole career learning different ways to increase intelligence. Dr. Winger has done studies on college students and found that, on average every hour that you spend on image streaming increases your IQ by 0.8 points. It was also found that average learning style of students who image streamed move towards more “balanced” as per Kolbs Learning Style Inventory.

Dr. Win Winger

So, in essence, if you apply this technique for even 5 minutes everyday for 30 days, you will see your IQ improve  by at-least 2 points. If you do this for a year, you can see your IQ improve over 24-25 points. The results of the study have showed a positive correlation between hours of image streaming and an increase in students’ analytical skills or IQ.

How does Image Streaming work?

Here is an illustration to capture the image streaming method in a nutshell. Close your eyes, look at whatever you see (Recall what you see) and try to describe that image in descriptive language and as fast as you can. It’s called image streaming. You visualise the picture, then close your eyes and describe the picture verbally in details. One part of your brain will use the picture and the other part will be used for the verbal details. The brain will start connecting the two streams of consciousness, one related to the picture and the other related to the language or the description of the image. The image streaming method makes connection between the two halves of your brain because we use one half of our brain to create language and we use the other half of the brain to create pictures.

When you start to use one half of your brain to describe what’s going on in the other half of your brain, it creates neural connections between the two hemispheres. The synchronicity between the left and the right brain increases and this is attributed to the improved IQ.

Infact, one of the fascinating things they noticed about Einstein’s brain when they dissected it, Einstein had tons and tons of these connections between the two hemispheres of his brain. Image streaming is a simple way where you can describe loudly the pictures you see in your brain. It is a very effective way to improve your visualisation and give your brain the right work out.

Image Streaming & Visual Thinking 

Image Streaming Visual Thinking

The image streaming method also improves the visual thinking, language skills and fluency. You can simply describe the scene in elaborate details and use five senses for the details. Describe the details loudly and as fast as you can. Image streaming method helps you improve your visual thinking. You can improve with practice.


So, you can use image streaming method five minutes a day before you go to sleep or when you wake up in the morning. Even a five to ten minutes of investment can bring about a rewarding return for you. Your IQ will improve and you can yourself in a more creative space than even before.


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