8 Must Know Secrets of High Achievers

High Achievers

Everyone wants to excel in life and be a top achiever. But very few of us are able to deserve recognition of high achievers.

Is it natural flair or talent that contributes to achievement? Or is it hard work, application and persistent that brings our greatest rewards in life? Well, scientific studies show that there are some fairly common traits and secrets of high achievers.

You can adopt them to improve yourself and do better in your life too. Here’s a look at the secrets of the high achievers.

1. They Improve with Time

They Improve with Time

“Be better today than you were yesterday. Be better tomorrow than you were yesterday.”

– Lorenzo Snow

No one is perfect. It is just that some people choose the improve themselves and get better all their lives, whereas others give up.

It is not your university or college degree that determines your success in life. It is your application, work ethic and dedication to improving yourself. High achievers make their time count. They get things done and are constantly getting better in whatever they do.

Great achievers in any field are constantly looking for feedback and evaluate their performance to improve. They look at effective ways to enhance their skills to get to the next level and attain mastery.

2. Self Awareness

“But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”

– Albert Einstein

High achievers know their strengths and weaknesses. They have high degree of self awareness. They understand who they are & what they want to do.

When you develop self awareness, you are able to connect with yourself better. You have a better sense of direction and commitment. You understand your moods, emotions & don’t respond better to challenges around you.

People who rise to the top in their fields cultivate a sense of understanding about themselves. They take up challenges with a positive perspective and know how to handle themselves to give their best. They are more calm, assertive and focused in their undertakings.

3. Say No

Say No

“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”

– Warren Buffett

Focus starts by saying no to things that are not important. When you can figure out where you want to invest your time and energy, you can maximise the gains.

People who are ordinary and mediocre tend to indulge in everything. Very successful people prioritize their time and energy in a specific direction.

People who change their direction too often seldom reach any worthwhile goals in the life. The best achievements in any pursuit require ultimate focus, time and energy.

4. Work Hard

The work ethic of high achievers separate them from others. They consistently put in more hours per week & have a strong work ethic.

In his book, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, Pritchett writes, “Sooner or later, the great men turn out to be all alike. They never stop working. They never lose a minute. It is very depressing.”

There are references to great achievers like Graham Bell, inventor of telephone who tended to work around the clock, allowing himself only three or four hours of sleep a night. He even continued working for upto 24 hours at a stretch when occupied with novel ideas.

Hard work and strong work ethic are the basic foundation of all high achievers.

5. Flexible & Persistent

Flexible & Persistent

High achievers are flexible and adapt according to situations. They are willing, open minded and take feedback from others. However, they are persistent in their goals. They do not change their goals, but are flexible in the ways that take them to their goals.

These people don’t let failures hold them back. They persist, find new ways to get things done and ultimately achieve what they want.

6. Track Results Not Time

“Your time is the most valuable asset with you; invest it, where you get best returns.”

– Apoorve Dubey

Top achievers track their results not the time spent on their activities. When you are spending your time learning things, experimenting and building yourself, it will pay off in the long run.

The most successful people spend their time pursuing important things. They understand that time spent on doing things they are passionate about will bring the results they deserve. They pursue things with full vigor and enthusiasm.  

7. Get Moving

Get Moving

High achievers take time from their schedule to refuel their energies. They understand the importance of morning routine and connecting with themselves. They set out time where they exercise, walk or meditate.

The time you take out to sharpen your knife improves its performance. The top achievers devote time to stay fit and it helps them.

There is a strong statistic correlation between your health and achievements. People who take care of their body and minds do much better and for a sustained period than others.

8. Maintain a Balance

If you succeed in one facet of your life and fail in every other, you wouldn’t be called a success. The top achievers are able to strike a balance between things that matter to them.

Whether it is the family, health, social connection or hobbies, they consciously schedule time for it. They know how to connect with others, live a truly fulfilling & meaningful life.

9 Powerful Ways you can Maximize Your Business Success

Business success

Planning, organizing and controlling are the main aspects if you want to have a successful business. One should be flexible and take time to avoid the hustle by laying down a proper strategy for your business venture.

It is rightly said, “ Success is a marathon and not a sprint.” It is important to have a futuristic approach and a desired time frame for each goal to be accomplished. Success does not come at your doorstep; you have to fight, face obstacles and learn from past mistakes in order to be successful.

Let us have a walkthrough to this article and see different ways in order to maximize your business success.

1. Maintain records :

To be successful, you have to keep the detailed records of the activities going on in business. This way you can track down the progress and know where you stand, what are your financial strengths and what potential challenges are there on your way. This will help you to face the challenges and give time in preparing the strategies to overcome the same.

2. Examine your competitor :


It is vital to keep an eye on the competitor if you want to grow and capture the market. You need to learn and get a research done on your competitors’ business so that you can incorporate some of the useful things that your business is lacking. This trick will help you in growing your business and reaching heights.

3. Analyzing the market needs :

“I do not subscribe to the theory of build it and they will come. I want to know what they want, and that’s what I’m going to build.” – JJ Virgin.

So, analyze what people want and get it ready for them; because a business expands with the support of its customers.

4. Focus on your work :

Focus on your work

Stay focused and motivated through each phase as it is not at all easy to earn money and get success overnight. The famous proverb, “Rome was not built in a day” applies here perfectly. So, start focusing on your short-term goals to achieve long-term success. Everything takes time and patience is the key to attain everything.

5. Create online presence :  

Build your online presence with the help of websites and other social media platform to get noticed. Nowadays, it is easy to create a website that has a professional look and your business needs to be in today’s era of online space.

According to a recent survey by Ipsos MediaCT and Accenture, it has been found out that around 70 percent of consumers are active on social media and purchase the product online rather than going to a store.

6. Provide a  good customer service :


It is vital to provide a good support to the customer because as per the survey conducted by the American Express, 78 percent of the customers cancelled the product purchase due to poor customer service. Some did not even intend a purchase due to negative reviews and the bad after service.

So, make good customer service your priority. Examine your current service and make changes according to the need of clients. This way you can create a loyal consumer base and can also beat your competitors.

7. Implement the 80-20 rule :

The most famous 80-20 rules focuses on the efforts put to the result achieved. According to this rule, 80 percent of the result comes from 20 percent of the efforts you put. Isn’t it interesting how small efforts can lead to big results! So, focus on your efforts.

It doesn’t mean sitting for longer hours and doing nothing, but being productive and completing tasks before deadline.

8. Be consistent :

Be consistent

Consistency plays a major role in making money and achieving success. You have to be congruous enough in your daily work routine and keep doing what proves out to be a necessity for the business expansion. These will result in your long term habits that will help you in making a huge profit for a long run.

9. Staying healthy :

Have you ever hear of ‘Health is Wealth’? If yes, then you definitely know that how important it is to stay healthy in order to produce results. Too many entrepreneurs sacrificed their mental health, physical health and relationships with family along with friends in pursuing the business targets. Don’t be one of them!

It’s important to create a balance between both personal and professional life. Taking proper sleep, eating good food, going out with friends as well as family and engaging yourself in exercise will help you to prosper along with your business.

These are some powerful ways which will help in maximizing the success of your business. Just follow these and you might also end up being successful like the other entrepreneurs. Good Luck.  

4 Energy Draining Habits You Should Give Up to Achieve Success


Successful people have this uncanny ability to stay energetic all the times. They exude energy and enthusiasm that is hard to miss & contagious. They are always raring to go, radiating energy and attracting the right opportunities.

There seems to be a causal relationship between energy and success. Energetic people are more successful than lousy people.

Gallup surveyed 10,000 people & only 11% said they felt like they had a lot of energy. A lot of people feel stressed, lack energy and eventually fail to achieve success.

We all have limited energy, but it is possible to maximise how you spend your energy. You can create abundance and enrich your life by using your energy well.

1. Overloading yourself with Unnecessary Decisions


You need to maximise your energy reserves by eliminating unnecessary decisions. Every decision you take adds to your cognitive load. The most successful people have automatic morning routines and reduce their choices by eliminating the unnecessary stuff.

Several studies have shown that our brains can only handle a certain number of decisions per  day. Once exhausted lose self-control and will-power. But great athletes, top professionals and all great achievers maximise their energy by spending it on things that matter the most.

For e.g. what you wear, what time you start your day, what you eat for breakfast etc. shouldn’t  engage your brain first thing in the morning. The most successful people are driven by well planned routines. It helps them focus on important activities rather than mundane pursuits. 


 2. Complaining & Negativity

Complaining and negativity never make life miserable for anyone other than you. You torture yourself when you complain.

Several studies show that complaining and negativity harm your health and brain. They make you pessimistic, gloomy and

There are numerous studies that show the negative impacts of pessimism, bitterness, and regret on your health. The more negativity you have the worse your body will get. Here is a study conducted by Mayo Clinic that shows how harmful these emotions can be for you.

Instead of negativity and complaining, pay attention to what is good in your life. Be grateful for the things that are good. Find solutions for your problem, but don’t complain. The most energetic people are looking at ways to improve & make things better.

3. Direction and Focus


When you change directions too often, work with negative attitude and constant distractions, you will spend time without accomplishing anything significant.

When you work with whole hearted attention, focus and commitment, it energises you. It helps you do great work. Look at any great work of art, creativity and historical achievement; it was done with full commitment. The secret is direction and focus.

In a Harvard business school study it was found, “Of all the events that engage people at work, the single most important — by far — is simply making progress in meaningful work.”

When you work with positive attitude and commitment, it energises you and makes you accomplish great feats. It will even surprise you what you are capable of achieving when you are committed and believe in what you are doing.

4. Unsteady Mind

Unsteady Mind

An unsteady mind can make your life hell. It can dissipate all your energy and make you restless. There is simply no escape from a turbulent mind full of unwanted thoughts. A mind full of thoughts will make you mediocre at everything.

How can you tame your mind? It’s possible to do it with meditation. The ability of the mind to stay in the present moment is crucial for achieving success in anything you do. It means the mind should wander.

There are hundreds of studies and researches on how beneficial meditation is for your mind and body. Meditation is a process where you connect with yourself. With constant practice, you can subdue your mind and quieten it.

Siegfried Othmer has done extensive research and has been involved with neurology since 1985. He conducted research on participants who were meditating. Those who meditated showed an average gain in IQ of 23 percent.

Meditation helped participants to lower their stress levels, but improved their creativity, concentration, and self-awareness.

Meditation is a process where you can energise yourself with abundance. It will make you steady your mind and make you ready to take on whatever comes your way.


How energetic you feel is often decided by your perceptions and attitude. A positive approach means you make the best of what you get. People who have enthusiasm and energy conquer the toughest problems. They work with great intensity and commit themselves in whatever they pursue. They become magnets for attracting success and great opportunities.

27 Inspirational Quotes to Push Yourself & Improve Everyday

 Inspirational Quotes

There are two kinds of people in the world those who complain & others who find solutions. The people who complain accept things as they are and rarely do anything about them. But the people who find solutions improve things around them. People who find solutions are always in demand, they learn and work hard to improve themselves.

The art of pushing yourself and improving everyday is a great habit. It helps you to be successful in your life and also make meaningful contributions wherever you are. Those who rise to the top are not necessarily the most gifted, but more often than not they are the ones who improve themselves relentlessly, work hard and achieve success. Here are some inspirational quotes to inspire you to push yourself and improve everyday.

1. “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”

 Alexander Graham Bell

2. “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

Napoleon Hill


3. “Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.”

  Tony Hsieh

4. “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”

  Michael John Bobak


5. “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”

 Conrad Hilton

6. “Fall seven times and stand up eight.”

  Japanese Proverb


7. “If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

 Jim Rohn

8. “No great achiever – even those who made it seem easy – ever succeeded without hard work.”

 Jonathan Sacks


9. “The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.”

 Harry Golden

10. “You were hired because you met expectations, you will be promoted if you can exceed them.”

  Saji Ijiyemi


11. “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.”

    Arthur Ashe

12. “The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.”

 William Jennings Bryan


13. “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

   Vincent Van Gogh

14. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

   Ralph Waldo Emerson


15. “Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.”

   Peter T. Mcintyre

16. “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

 Helen Keller


17. “Pride is holding your head up when everyone around you has theirs bowed. Courage is what makes you do it.”

 Bryce Courtenay

18. “Never give up. There are always tough times, regardless of what you do in anything in life. Be able to push through those times and maintain your ultimate goal.”

 Nathan Chen


19. “You cannot push any one up a ladder unless he be willing to climb a little himself.”

  Andrew Carnegie

20. “Never set limits, go after your dreams, don’t be afraid to push the boundaries. And laugh a lot – it’s good for you!”

 Paula Radcliffe


21. “Push yourself again and again. Don’t give an inch until the final buzzer sounds.”

   Larry Bird

22. “If you don’t really have a dream, you can’t really push yourself; you don’t really know what the target is.”

   MS Dhoni


23. “Invest in a trainer. You see the progress so quickly, and you push yourself in new ways.”

   Camila Mendes

24. “Never assume you can’t do something. Push yourself to redefine the boundaries.”

 Brian Chesky


25. “Self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement.”

   Baltasar Gracian

26. “Change equals self-improvement. Push yourself to places you haven’t been before.”

  Pat Summitt


27. “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

 Paulo Coelho